RCO Briefing Notes

Here are the RCO Briefing Notes for the three main groups of military ranges we use.

These Briefing Notes must be read by all participants (Members and Probationers alike) who intend to attend a full bore rifle shoot.  Ccompliance with the BRiefing Notes is mandatory, expected and is a condition of participation. 

All persons wishing to take part in a Full Bore Rifle shoot will be required to sign at the beginning of each visit to a range that they have read, understood and will abide by these instructions.

Click the links below to open the Briefing Notes as a PDF file


                             FBR 1     RANGE BRIEFING            GALLERY & CONVERTED GALLERY RANGES JULY 2014


                             FBR 2     RANGE BRIEFING            ETR  RANGES


                             FBR 3     RANGE BRIEFING            BLACK BECK